One Night Of Scandal - Teresa Medeiros
Medeiros is frustrating because she writes such awesome scenes but the rest of the book doesn't come together, or rather it does, but like a patchwork quilt with blaring oddities.

I liked this book and iddn't expect that I would like Lottie because that kind of character can actually be hard to write. Meaning, it's hard to sympathize with a character that sort of acts like a little kid but in a pampered sort of way.

It worked out though because Lottie grew up and Hayden managed to be a little of a pain in the butt. Not that it wasn't understandable but eh, he could've grown up a little sooner.

Harriet was unnecessary to the story.

Also, there were too many disjointed plots. Is it a mystery? A ghost story? A Gothic tale? A family story? Who knows but Allegra could've been a better character if any of that had been figured out. Because ALL she that kid did was annoy me.