The Scandalous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc - Loraine Despres
This book had its moments of being highly entertaining and vapidly self-absorbed. I blame the characters for both.

Sissy is a victim of her own mistakes. She is funny, high-spirited, defeated and tenacious. She's also not in love with her husband but with her old high school boyfriend. This doesn't ruin anything folks because this is made clear about four pages in.

Parker Davidson, who should know better than to go after married women, has been in love with Sissy since their high school days and unbeknownst to him, was a pawn in a game that Sissy tried to play with her future father-in-law and lost.

Peewee LeBlanc isn't really a bad guy just weak and definitely not the one for Sissy.

His father Bouree is a mean SOB. He's like a rattlesnake, pretty to look at but once you decide to move closer he'll bite you.

Let's not forget the possible sociopathic oldest child of Sissy's. There are very few child characters that I seriously would like to see get punished - Chip is one of them.

Anyhoo, it has the classic southern elements of the Belle Ideal, bourbon and coke, swimming at the lake, racial issues, Nehi's, balmy night and sweltering days and of course fried chicken.

A decent beach read and entertaining. If you can get past the selfishness of all of the characters (which by the middle of the book you can) you will have a decent read.